General and Digital Forensic Science

Faculty Applied Computer Sciences and Biosciences
Course of studies General and Digital Forensic Science
Degree Bachelor
Academic degree Bachelor of Science
Start Winter semester
Regular study period 6 Semesters
Further qualification Cybercrime/Cybersecurity (M.Sc.)
Category computer science
natural sciences
Type of study full-time studies
Course language german
Admission restriction No
Tuition No
Credits 180
Accredited Yes  /  Information on accreditation
Application portal Online application


Computers, the Internet, and digitalization have created new fields of activity for criminals. Use the tools of computer science to solve or prevent these crimes.

The focus of the course is on linking and analyzing digital and digitized forensic data. You will learn to methodically evaluate, analyze and interpret the data secured by investigators during traditional crime-scene work or digitally, so that it can also be used as evidence in criminal proceedings in court.

In addition to extensive computer science knowledge, you will acquire and deepen fundamental scientific knowledge and methods for modeling and simulating complex systems in the field of modern forensics.

Career prospects

Without informatics, nothing works in modern casework. Those who know how to use it can become sought-after experts for police, courts and private companies.

One of the most important principles of forensics is Locard's Rule: There is no contact between two objects without mutual traces. Finding, securing, and analyzing such traces in the digital realm is still a huge challenge for authorities and businesses. Digital forensics is a young discipline, and there is a corresponding lack of skilled personnel.

With the specialized knowledge from Mittweida, you will become an IT expert who supports authorities in solving crimes or helps companies and institutions in the field of IT security to prevent them from happening in the first place. For example, you will work as a

  • Cybercriminalist at BKA, Junior Cyber Security Analyst at BND, IT Forensics Officer at Bundeswehr,
  • Network & IT Security Consultant for companies,
  • Software developer for forensics, IT security and biometrics,
  • Penetration Tester in IT Security,
  • Big Data Analyst for companies in the industry
  • Expert witness and forensic service provider for and in investigative authorities (police, public prosecutor's office, customs)


If you want to master modern forensics, you must understand and adapt the methods of classical forensics.

With the help of interdisciplinary modules, you will therefore gain a comprehensive picture of the methods and challenges of modern forensics. In each semester, you will dedicate one module to classical forensics and thus lay the foundation for mastering the challenges of IT forensics.

To do this, you will use computer science as a tool. The new, digital disciplines of forensics are at the center of the program: Securing and analyzing digital traces, image processing, data reconstruction, IT security and encryption technology. Topics such as the basics of crime scene work, criminalistics, criminology and classical forensics including forensic biology enable you to transfer the methods to the digital. You will directly apply the knowledge imparted in the lectures in practical exercises.

Working with digital and physical evidence and traces as well as on realistic projects plays a central role throughout the entire course of study. Numerous internships and experiments in the various computer pools and laboratories give you the skills and abilities required for professional life.

Application and admission


Please register here: As soon as you have transmitted all forms and supporting documents, you can enrol. Your enrolment certificate reliably grants you a place at the university.

You can study at the Hochschule Mittweida:

  • with a general matriculation standard
  • with a subject-related entrance qualification (according to the subject)
  • with an advanced technical college certificate.

You can find all information on application deadlines and required documents here.

If you do not have any of the above-mentioned degrees, look here for more information.

There is a separate application deadline for international students. Please click here for more information.