Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Iris Herrmann-Geppert
Applied Chemistry

Iris Herrmann-Geppert
+49 (0)3727 58-1447
+49 (0)3727 58-21447
Grunert de Jacomé-Building, Room 6.00.23 Am Schwanenteich 4b 09648 Mittweida
Field of teaching
- Chemistry
- General Chemistry
- General/Inorganic Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
Selected Publications
1. Zhao F.; Harnisch F.; Schröder U.; Scholz F.; Bogdanoff P.; Herrmann I.: Application of pyrolysed iron(II) phthalocyanine and CoTMPP based oxygen reduction catalysts as cathode materials in microbial fuel cells. Electrochemistry Communications 7 (2005), S. 1405-1410
2. Herrmann, I.; Kramm, U.I.; Fiechter, S.; Bogdanoff, P.: Oxalate supported pyrolysis of CoTMPP as electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. Electrochimica Acta 54 (2009), S. 4275- 4287
3. Herrmann, I.; Kramm, U.I.; Radnik, J.; Fiechter, S.; Bogdanoff, P.: Influence of Sulfur on the Pyrolysis of CoTMPP as Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 156 (2009) S. B1283-B1292
4. Jaouen, F.; Herranz, J.; Lefevre, M.; Dodelet, J.-P.; Kramm, U.I.; Herrmann, I.; Bogdanoff, P.; Maruyama, J.; Nagaoka, T.; Garsuch, A.; Dahn, J.R.; Olson, T.; Pylypenko, S.; Atanassov, P.; Ustinov, E.A.: Cross-Laboratory Experimental Study of Non-Noble-Metal Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Applied Materials and Interface, 1 (2009), S. 1623-1639
5. Herrmann, I.; Kramm, U.I.; Fiechter, S.; Brüser, V.; Kersten, H.; Bogdanoff, P.: Comparative study of the carbonisation of CoTMPP by low temperature plasma and heat treatment, Plasma Processes and Polymers 7 (2010), S. 515-526
6. Herrmann-Geppert, I.; Bogdanoff, P.; Radnik, J.; Fengler, S.; Dittrich, T.; Fiechter, S.: Surface aspects of sol-gel derived hematite films for the photoelectrochemical oxidation of water. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (2013), S. 1389-1398
7. Kramm, U. I.; Herrmann-Geppert, I.; Fiechter, S.; Zehl, G.; Zizak, I.; Dorbandt, I.; Schmeißer, D.; Bogdanoff, P.: Effect of iron-carbide formation on the number of active sites in Fe–N–C catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in acidic media. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (2014), S. 2663-2670
8. Herrmann-Geppert, I., Bogdanoff, P., Emmler, T., Dittrich, T., Radnik, J., Klassen, T.: Cold gas spraying a promising technique for photoelectrodes: The example TiO2, Catalysis Today, 260, (2016), S. 140–147
9. Hu, Y., Boudoire, F., Herrmann-Geppert, I., Bogdanoff, P., Tsekouras, G., Mun, B.S., Fortunato, G., Grätzel, M., Braun, A.: Molecular origin and electrochemical influence of capacitive surface states on iron oxide photoanodes, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2016) (10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b08013)
10. Kramm, U., Herrmann-Geppert, I., Behrends, J., Lips, K., Fiechter, S.; Bogdanoff, P.: On an easy way to prepare Metal-Nitrogen doped Carbon with exclusive presence of MeN4-type sites active for the ORR, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138 (2), (2016) S. 635–640
List of scientific publications
Herrmann, I.: Innovative Elektrokatalyse: Platinfreie Kathodenkatalysatoren für Brennstoffzellen. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Müller, 2008 (Dissertation)
1. Bogdanoff P.; Herrmann I.; Hilgendorff M.; Dorbandt I.; Fiechter S.; Tributsch H.: Probing structural effects of pyrolysed CoTMPP-based electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction via new preparation strategies. Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 7 (2004), S. 85-92
2. Herrmann I.; Brüser V.; Fiechter S.; Kersten H.; Bogdanoff P.: Electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction prepared by plasma treatment of carbon-supported cobalt tetramethoxyphenylporphyrin. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 152 (2005), S. A2179-A2185
3. Zhao F.; Harnisch F.; Schröder U.; Scholz F.; Bogdanoff P.; Herrmann I.: Application of pyrolysed iron(II) phthalocyanine and CoTMPP based oxygen reduction catalysts as cathode materials in microbial fuel cells. Electrochemistry Communications 7 (2005), S. 1405-1410
4. Herrmann, I.; Bogdanoff, P.; Schmithals, G.; Fiechter, S.: Influence of the molecular and mesoscopic structure on the electrocatalytic activity of pyrolysed CoTMPP in the oxygen reduction. ECS Transactions 3 (1) (2006), S. 211-219
5. Loew, N.; Bogdanoff, P.; Herrmann, I.; Wollenberger, U.; Scheller, F.W.; Katterle, M.: Influence of Modifications on the Efficiency of Pyrolysed CoTMPP as Electrode Material for Horseradish Peroxidase and the Reduction of Hydrogen Peroxide, Electroanalysis, 18 (2006), S. 2324-2330
6. Zhao, F.; Harnisch, F.; Schröder, U.; Scholz, F.; Bogdanoff, P.; Herrmann, I.: Challenges and constraints of using oxygen cathodes in microbial fuel cells. Environmental Science and Technology 40 (2006), S. 5193-519
7. Brüser, V.; Savastenko, N.; Schmuhl, A.; Junge, H.; Herrmann, I.; Bogdanoff, P.; Schröder, K.: Plasma modification of catalysts for cathode reduction of hydrogen peroxide in fuel cells. Plasma Processes and Polymers 4 (2007), S. S94-S98
8. Herrmann, I.; Koslowski, U.I.; Radnik, J.; Fiechter, S.; Bogdanoff, P.: Preparation and structural analysis of heat treated Co-and Fe-porphyrines as cathode catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. ECS Transactions 13 (2008), S. 143-160
9. Koslowski, U.I.; Herrmann, I.; Bogdanoff, P.; Barkschat, C.; Fiechter, S.; Iwata, N.; Takahashi, H.; Nishikori, H.: Evaluation and analysis of PEM-FC performance using non-platinum cathode catalysts based on pyrolysed Fe- and Co-porphyrins - influence of a secondary heat-treatment. ECS Transactions 13 (2008), S. 125-141
10. Kramm, U.I., Abs-Wurmbach, I., Fiechter, S., Herrmann, I., Radnik, J. Bogdanoff, P.: New Insight into the Nature of Catalytic Activity of Pyrolysed Iron Porphyrin Based Electro-Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) in Acidic Media Non-Precious ORR Catalysis, ECS Transactions, 25 (2009) S. 93-104
11. Herrmann, I.; Kramm, U.I.; Fiechter, S.; Bogdanoff, P.: Oxalate supported pyrolysis of CoTMPP as electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. Electrochimica Acta 54 (2009), S. 4275- 4287
12. Herrmann, I.; Kramm, U.I.; Radnik, J.; Fiechter, S.; Bogdanoff, P.: Influence of Sulfur on the Pyrolysis of CoTMPP as Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 156 (2009) S. B1283-B1292
13. Jaouen, F.; Herranz, J.; Lefevre, M.; Dodelet, J.-P.; Kramm, U.I.; Herrmann, I.; Bogdanoff, P.; Maruyama, J.; Nagaoka, T.; Garsuch, A.; Dahn, J.R.; Olson, T.; Pylypenko, S.; Atanassov, P.; Ustinov, E.A.: Cross-Laboratory Experimental Study of Non-Noble-Metal Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Applied Materials and Interface, 1 (2009), S. 1623-1639
14. Herrmann, I.: “Platinfreie Katalysatoren”, LUX-Magazin, 1 (2009) S. 10
15. Herrmann, I.; Kramm, U.I.; Fiechter, S.; Brüser, V.; Kersten, H.; Bogdanoff, P.: Comparative study of the carbonisation of CoTMPP by low temperature plasma and heat treatment, Plasma Processes and Polymers 7 (2010), S. 515-526
16. Kramm, U.I.; Abs-Wurmbach, I.; Herrmann-Geppert, I.; Radnik, J.; Fiechter, S.; Bogdanoff, P.: Influence of the electron-density of FeN4-centers towards the catalytic activity of pyrolyzed FeTMPPCl-based ORR-electrocatalysts. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 158 (2011), S. B69-B78
17.Kramm, U.I.; Herrmann-Geppert, I.; Bogdanoff, P.; Fiechter, S.: Effect of an ammonia treatment on structure, composition, and oxygen reduction reaction activity of Fe-N-C catalysts. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (2011), S. 23417-23427
18. Herrmann-Geppert, I.; Radnik, J.; Kramm, U.I.; Fiechter, S.; Bogdanoff, P.: Improved Platinum Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction using Nitrogen-modified Carbon Support. ECS Transactions 41 (2011), S. 1161-1171
19.Herrmann-Geppert, I.; Bogdanoff, P.; Hepperle, L.; Fiechter, S.: Hematite (α-Fe2O3) Photoanodes for the Photooxidation of Water. ECS Transactions 41 (2012), S. 201-212
20. Emmler, T.; Gutzmann, H.; Hillebrand, P.; Schieda, M.; Rust, R.; Gärtner, F.; Bogdanoff, P.; Herrmann-Geppert, I.; Klassen, T.: Cold gas spraying of semiconductor coatings for the photooxidation of water. Proceedings of SPIE 8822 (2013), S. 88220C1 -88220C12
21.Herrmann-Geppert, I.; Bogdanoff, P.; Fengler, S.; Dittrich, T.; Fiechter, S.: Photoelectrooxidation of Water on Hematite Thin Films. ECS Transactions 45 (2013), S. 137-147
22. Herrmann-Geppert, I.; Bogdanoff, P.; Radnik, J.; Fengler, S.; Dittrich, T.; Fiechter, S.: Surface aspects of sol-gel derived hematite films for the photoelectrochemical oxidation of water. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (2013), S. 1389-1398
23. Kramm, U. I.; Herrmann-Geppert, I.; Fiechter, S.; Zehl, G.; Zizak, I.; Dorbandt, I.; Schmeißer, D.; Bogdanoff, P.: Effect of iron-carbide formation on the number of active sites in Fe–N–C catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in acidic media. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (2014), S. 2663-2670
24. Herrmann-Geppert, I., Bogdanoff, P., Gutzmann, H., Dittrich, T., Emmler, T., Just, R., Schieda, M., Gärtner, F., Klassen, T.: Cold Gas Sprayed TiO2-Based Electrodes for the Photo-Induced Water Oxidation, ECS Transactions, 58 (2014) S. 21-30
25. Masolo, E., Meloni, M., Garroni, S., Mulas, G., Enzo, S., Baró, M.D., Rossinyol, E., Rzeszutek, A., Herrmann-Geppert, I., Pilo, M.: Mesoporous Titania Powders: The Role of Precursors, Ligand Addition and Calcination Rate on Their Morphology, Crystalline Structure and Photocatalytic Activity, Nanomaterials, 4, (2014) S. 583-598
26. Lehmann, D., Krüger, K., Herrmann-Geppert, I., Schieda, M. Klassen, T.: Particle Based Inks for Inkjet Printing of Thin Catalytic Layers, Digital Fabrication and Digital Printing: NIP30 Technical Program and Proceedings, (2014) S. 347 – 352
27. Jia, L., Harbauer, K., Bogdanoff, P., Herrmann-Geppert, I., Ramírez, A., van de Krol, R., Fiechter, S.: α-Fe2O3 films for photoelectrochemical water oxidation – insights of key performance parameters, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2, (2014), S. 20196-20202
28. Herrmann-Geppert, I., Bogdanoff, P., Emmler, T., Dittrich, T., Radnik, J., Klassen, T.: Cold gas spraying a promising technique for photoelectrodes: The example TiO2, Catalysis Today, 260, (2016), S. 140–147
29. Treekamol, Y., Lehmann, D., Schieda, M., Herrmann-Geppert, I., Klassen, T.: Inkjet Printing of Functionalized TiO2 Catalytic Layer for Water Oxidation Reaction, MRS Online Proceeding Library, 1, (2015) S. 1776
30. Hu, Y., Boudoire, F., Herrmann-Geppert, I., Bogdanoff, P., Tsekouras, G., Mun, B.S., Fortunato, G., Grätzel, M., Braun, A.: Molecular origin and electrochemical influence of capacitive surface states on iron oxide photoanodes, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2016) (10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b08013)
31. Kramm, U., Herrmann-Geppert, I., Behrends, J., Lips, K., Fiechter, S.; Bogdanoff, P.: On an easy way to prepare Metal-Nitrogen doped Carbon with exclusive presence of MeN4-type sites active for the ORR, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138 (2), (2016) S. 635–640