Computer graphics WS14/15


Introduction, color spaces, libSDL, metaballs
(introduction (pdf)) (metaballs (tgz))

Midpoint algorithm for lines and ellipses
(slides midpoint) (midpoint.tgz)

Anti-Aliasing for lines and circles
(exercise.pdf) (code) (solution.pdf)

Line clipping (Cohen-Sutherland/Cyrus-Beck)
(Exercise) (Solution)

Dithering (Error-diffusion, ordered)
(slides dithering) (Exercise) (TemplFloyd) (TemplOrdered)
Rotations and projections
Computing arbitrary perspectives
(TemplObserver) (SolutionObserver)
Animated camera, Quaternions, hidden-line removal
(slides quaternions) (TemplAnim) (TemplQuat)
(slides raytracing) (TemplRaytrace_1)
Raytracing planes and sphere, diffuse reflection
(TemplRaytrace_2) (SoluRaytrace_2)
Raytracing faces, shadows, specular reflexion, bump mapping
(slides_RT_intersections) (TemplRaytrace_3) (SoluRaytrace_3)

Rendering faces, Texture-mapping and -generation